I love this song...

Long White Cloud - Shapeshifter (NZ).
I could listen to it forever.


Get Out!

Great song from Circa Survive's new album Blue Sky Noise. Amazing album as a whole, but this has to be one of my favourites. Circa Survive have such a distinct sound, both Anthony Green's phenomenal voice and the amazing melodies creating the unique ambient rock sound. I had never heard of Circa Survive until last year when I saw them opening for another act. I fell in love when I heard 'In Fear and Faith' from their début album Juturna. Their second album On Letting Go is also full of goodies. Check them out.



I bought this foundation yesterday and it is AH-MAY-ZING!! You only need to use one pump, it's full coverage without feeling like mud, it has a glow to it aaaaaaand you can use it as a concealer too. Um, perfect. Yeah, it's a little on the expensive side... but honestly, I have never found foundation like this. I've used Natio, Scott Barnes and Stila but they feel thick and slimy compared to Hourglass. I won't be able to buy anything for the next few weeks, but it is so worth it. If you are looking for a gorgeous foundation and don't mind spending a wee bit more, check it out. I got mine from MeccaCosmetica in Wellington. LOVE IT!

Hourglass Veil Foundation.

Losing Control.

Came across this song at my tap class of all places. I really like it. The chorus is wicked.

Timbaland and JoJo - Losing Control



Thank you Katy Perry, now I have another reason to do absolutely nothing while laughing my head off.


Map Fun.

Funny, yet mostly accurate.

Young Blood.

Great, great song by NZ's The Naked and Famous.

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