More food for thought...

I was watching Nigella Feasts the other day (I love her!) and she said something that really made me nod my head along... since when did food become classified as 'good' or 'bad'? It's all food. Yes, some foods have bigger fat and sugar content... but if you eat lots of any food you will put on weight. Sometimes you just need some chocolate to keep you sane. Why should you feel bad about it? That's where eating disorders start. Why is it that disorders like bulimia and anorexia are only found in modern 'Westernised' civilisations? Look at how food it advertised and talked about. It's like candy is a walking time bomb or bread is poison. Yet in cultures that are not considered westernised there have been no (to my knowledge/research) recorded cases of eating disorders. Food is fuel. Nourishment. Enjoyment. Families and communities revolve around growing, harvesting and eating. I think we need to chill out on the food talk. We need to slow food down. It needs to be enjoyed, savoured and shared. FOOD IS NOT YOUR ENEMY!



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