I've spent the past week listening to stories from my parents about people they work with or associate with and all I was thinking was
aren't adults supposed to have glimpsed some wisdom or understanding, not act in ways reminiscent of their high school years? Stories about petty workmates who do everything to make themselves seem all important and better than anyone and everyone... everything other than actually doing their job. And then their are those workers who employ their own caste system! In NZ... are you kidding me? The people who are 'better' because they have a higher
perceived status than others so are allowed to make their lives hell! I can't really go into detail as I don't want to name these people or put my parents into awkward situations... but it really disgusted me. Especially the caste system person. The absolute racism and hate he directed toward one of my dad's good friends who happened to be M
āori and a groundsman was staggering. Why are janitors, groundsmen and custodians labelled as stupid, lower class and unintelligent? Some of the ones I have met (and I have also worked as a janitor) have been the wisest and most caring people. So they may not have a university degree. Some of the stupidest people I have met have a PhD. Qualifications may show people you are smart in a particular area but they do not make you more intelligent, wiser or have more common sense than anyone else.
The more I open my eyes to the world, the more I am disillusioned with people's narrow mindedness and hate. But it does make my resolution to treat all people with love and respect all the more important. I MUST COUNTERACT THE NEGATIVITY!
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