Oh Starbucks, you make me laugh. Not that you make me happy (your 'coffee' is crap), rather laugh in a cynical disapproving way. I just read a tweet that is making the rounds at the moment about World Aids Day. Obviously a very important topic which I am extremely glad is a well supported and acknowledged issue. (RED) is a well known campaign with many endorsements from celebrities like Bono (U2) to clothing companies like Converse and (this is where the laughing comes in) Starbucks. Starbucks' A Gift of Hope project will donate money when you buy their coffee. Their "Love Project" is a beautiful and ornate campaign with white peace cranes, wishing for love and hope this Christmas for those in Africa with HIV Aids. I only laugh at the irony of this. Yes, support the Aids cause. Definitely. But Starbucks, what about the hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries you have displaced from their homes and livelihoods? Did you forget about them? You know, the families who had been self-sufficient with their land and crops, supporting many generations. The whole communities you forced into bankruptcy and poverty, eventually taking their land and monocropping it. The families who were forced into slums, the children who you forced onto the street just so you could cheaply grow and crop your coffee beans. Remember those guys? The ones you and the IFC's suckered into getting a loan from you (as you increased the prices and tariffs on essential items) but then made repayments so high they lost everything. The same people you occasionally let harvest the crop for money and VERY generously paid them about 3 cents for every bag of beans they harvested.
They don't deserve a mention at Christmas? They don't deserve a prayer, wish or good will thought during the holiday season?
So when you buy your grande soy mocha latte and smile as you support the fight against aids, perhaps you should also spare a thought for the people you are condemning to poverty.

I know I'm thinking about them.
Why not lend your support to corporations that actually help.
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