This man is a twit.
He's a 'famous' New Zealand talk show host.
He's not good. He's not intelligent. He's not funny.
He IS abrasive and judgmental.
Good work Paul.
Screw intelligent conversation, let's just insult everyone with badly thought up quips.
His latest dive into stupidity are his remarks against Susan Boyle and intellectually disabled persons... yeah, because that's a population who fully deserves hateful remarks...
I really don't like him.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE journalism that asks hard questions and gets to the root of social problems. Society needs people who can ask those in power what the rest of us wish we could.
But thick 'privileged' people like Paul anger me.
His reaction to the controversy (which has led to 200 complaints to the Human Rights Commission) was "duh... what's the big deal... duhhhh... people with intalektuell disap-diseb-disabilateees are called retarded..." (I did edit that comment slightly...)
He needs to be whacked with a trout.
Paul, you are an idiot.
Much love,
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